
Monday 29 August 2011

Wildwood | Animation

We hope that you are enjoying, which has been set up as an official portal for all things Wildwood.  From there you can not only reach this blog and send questions to the three creators, but you can also see his wonderful animation of the archetypes of the Major Arcana.

Tell us what you think of it!

We've got a small poll up on the Wildwood Tarot website - would you like to see the Minor Arcana animated too? Just tell us what you want and we'll do our best to Make It So ;-)

Monday 22 August 2011

SF BATS! | Mark Ryan

The Daughters of Divination are proudly celebrating their 20th anniversary later this month with a sparkling array of Tarot experts at the renowned event known affectionately as SF BATS.

Thalassa Therese has pulled together some of the glitteriest stars in the Tarot firmament - including Mary K Greer, Barbara Moore, Corrine Kenner, James Ricklef.....and Wildwood creator Mark Ryan!

If you would like to come along on 27 August to the Golden Gateway Inn in San Francisco and celebrate some Symposium Swellness  - for one day or both days - please get in touch with Therese.

For full details please visit the Daughters of Divination site here.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Wildwood is launched!

Saturday 30 April 2011 saw the trio of creative forces behind The Wildwood Tarot gather for the official launch in London.

Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington appeared in Atlantis Bookshop to talk about this eagerly anticipated reworking of The Greenwood Tarot and sign copies of the deck for fans.

Monday 15 August 2011

Welcome to the Wildblog!

Welcome to the Wildblog!  This is where you will find Wildwood articles and images written by Mark, John and Will.

But we need to know what YOU want to know about - so feel free to use the Contact Us page on the website to ask us questions - we'll do our best to answer them!

Posts will be made on a weekly basis, or thereabouts!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

John, Mark and Will