
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Wildwood is launched!

Saturday 30 April 2011 saw the trio of creative forces behind The Wildwood Tarot gather for the official launch in London.

Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington appeared in Atlantis Bookshop to talk about this eagerly anticipated reworking of The Greenwood Tarot and sign copies of the deck for fans.

Mark Ryan is the driving force behind the reworking of his Greenwood deck and for The Wildwood he has worked in conjunction with respected historian and folklorist John Matthews.   Will Worthington, the artist behind the ever-popular Druid Craft Tarot provides the artwork.

Here are some snaps taken on the day - visit The Wildwood Tarot's official site to see more:

Have you bought a copy of the deck yet? What do you think of it?

Atlantis's window - doesn't it look great?

L to R - Will Worthington, Mark Ryan, John Matthews

Mark Ryan, creator of The Greenwood Tarot

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