
Monday 19 December 2011

John Matthews | Between The Darkness and The Light | Poem


(A modern Christmas Carol) 

 It is within the darkness and the silence
That the magic of Christmas starts;
Somewhere between the glimmer of lights
And the first breathless moment
When children come
Stumbling like new-born angels
Into morning light.
Within the darkness and the silence
We sit, watching wonder
Burst into form; where we
Enter the ringing silence
In which the first bells of Christmas
Sound the music of the soul;
Where the morning joy begins
With a single carol
To a half-forgotten tune.
It is here, between the darkness
And the light,
That we wait, uncertain,
Seeking the moment
That challenges us to believe
In a freshly minted miracle
Born every Christmas Day. 


Dear Friends and Fans of The Wildwood Tarot.
As the scared stillness of  the Winter Solstice draws near, I would like to wish you all a happy, blessed and restful time. May all your dreams and desires find fruition in the coming year. If you like secular Christmas carols you'll find my own offering, beautifully set to music by David Seitz and performed by the St Joseph Valley Camerata from Misawaka, Indiana. Thanks to Alison Cross for spending ages on getting the words and music to sync and setting them so magically with snowy images. 
Thanks to your enthusiasm the Wildwood Tarot continues to break records for sales, and Mark and I plan to celebrate this by holding workshops and other events in 2012. So, if you’d like to explore the depths of the wood even further, watch out for upcoming announcements...
Yours, from the heart of the Wildwood,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful is a word that just about does this offering justice John! Blessings for tomorrow for you, Caitlín and all your family and I wish you and yours every success and prosperity for 2012!

    To Mark: For the next year, I wish you every success you can grab your hands on! May you be a lonely Saracen no more!
