
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Caitlín Matthews | A Question of Time - Part 2


Looking at the Wheel of the Year the three kinds of cards can give us the following information:
      the Courts can give rough periods of time.
      the Minors can reveal the index of human experience (explored in the next blog post to this one).
      the Majors can show the degree or condition: how or at what level it will hit you. 

The three rings on the Wheel of the Year reveal the following levels:

The outer, inner and heart.  The guiding power of any major card can be read with these three rings in mind.

The outer ring: the outer conscious level shows what’s going on in everyday life, which are indicated by the following cards which offer guidance through the tangled route we call daily life:

8 Stag
14 Balance
3 Green Man
4 Green Woman
11 Woodward
10 Wheel
13 Journey
20 Great Bear
17 Pole Star

The inner ring: the inner human level shows what’s going on below  the surface of everyday life, which are indicated by the following cards. They offer us opportunities for  deeper development and often bring things to our awareness:

7 Archer
6 Forest Lovers
16 Blasted Oak
12 Mirror
15 Guardian
9 Hooded Man
5 Ancestor
19 Sun of Life
18 Moon on Water

The centre ring: the heart of the wood shows the profound, deeper level, as shown by these cards, which offer us a calm and penetrating power whatever our issue is about.

1 Shaman
21 World Tree
2 Seer
0 Wanderer

In the next blog post, we will use the court timings, the index of human experience and these effects of the three rings in the Sighting the Target reading.

copyright: Caitlín Matthews 2012

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for posting these Caitlin, your posts have helped me so much and im sure will continue to do so as long as you keep posting. I have never loved a deck like I love this one, i'm more of a rune-y type of girl, but this deck hit home and if it weren't for this blog and your contributions, i wouldn't be able to understand it the way I do.
