
Tuesday 25 June 2013

John Matthews | The Wildwood Rides Again!

Wildwood Rides Again - the Second Edition.

When you're creating or working on a tarot, many things beyond your control can effect the end result. In the case of The Wildwood Tarot not only were we re-crafting an earlier version ( The Greenwood Tarot) but we faced limitations of extent in the text. Also we simply were often so excited, so carried away with the sheer blaze  of creation, that we actually forgot about the card back ! We had discussed this with our artist Will Worthington and decided that a tree motif would be a part of it... but somehow, when It came to handing  in the  finished deck, we forgot.  So, when it came around to the second edition - thanks to all those who took the new version of an old favourite to their hearts - we turned our thoughts to completing two omissions.

First came the new card back. As ever Will rose to the occasion and came up with a wonderful head to head image of a tree, printed in white  on green, which can be read either way up. Then we turned to something that not only we, but also several readers, had noted. The entries for the court cards, all depicting sacred animals, were very brief. So we spoke to the publisher and they agreed to re-jig the book so that we could add some longer entries. The only  trouble was that by his time we were both hard at work on other projects. So we turned to the amazing Caitlin Matthews for help and  in no time at all we had a set of meanings and interpretations that fit perfectly with what Mark and I had done earlier. So, at last, the job was really done.  The Wildwood Tarot was complete.

We are really delighted with this new edition, which extends the first just enough to make it overall as good as we could hope for. We hope very much that you enjoy it, and that as some have already said they would be purchasing a second copy, that you will feel it was worth it. 

And by the way, all three of us : Mark (work permitting) John and Caitlin, will be presenting a whole weekend devoted to the tarot in general, at Hawkwood College near Stroud, in December. For all details watch this space or go to

© John Matthews. June, 2013.


  1. Great news! I have two copies of the original 1st print run! Would be nice if Connections could identify the 2nd run from the 1st though :)

    Hope you, Caitlin and Mark are well, John :)

  2. Is there any way of getting the interpretations of the court cards for those of us who have the first edition?

    1. The Wildwood Tarot app for iPad or iPhone has the expanded text.

    2. the app is available for android too, Daniel :) Failing that, buying a copy of the V2 or V3 book - either on its own if you can find one on ebay, or as part of the set as sold new. Ali Cross

  3. I received both a used version of the original set and a brand new set for Christmas. (My family knows me well, as I've been pining for The Wildwood for quite some time.) As I've only now noticed that there was an expanded version, I excitedly opened the new deck, I found that I have the version of the cards with the new artwork on the back. Opening the book, however, I've found that I have an older version of the text. Was it your intention to use up the back stock of older books before packaging with the expanded editions? I was so excited to read more into the court cards.

  4. Hope there is a chance you will read this. I just got the Wildwood tarot and I love the deck, everything about it is exactly how I love to delve into the world of Tarot. I have the new stock with a tree on the card backs and the book that is a 2016 edition. But I was disappointed by one extremely important (for me at least but I'm sure many agree) aspect of the deck. If only, if only, if only the cards could have been of better quality! I hold one in my hand and it feels like it's going to bend like a cereal cardboard box, it feels cheap. I've used shuffled them maybe 20 times now and can already see a slight wear on the cards. And they cut my hands! I don't mean at all to insult your beautiful work, but I wish you could publish this artwork on a different deck, one that feels durable, one that will outlive me, one that is of great quality, one that feels luxurious in my hands, like for instance the Rider Waite Smith Centennial edition. Beautiful sturdy Tarot cards that when shuffled, when laid out on the table, when held in my hands, feel like the real thing. Honestly, your artwork and philosophy DESERVES a better quality card stock. Respect your work. I sincerely hope you will reprint this deck onto nicer cards. When you do, I will not hesitate to purchase a new Wildwood Tarot.

    1. The Wildwood is now in it's third version and in the UK this means that the cards are coated with a UV glaze. Not only does this brighten the colours a little, it also stiffens the card, so while it is NOT on new card stock, a V3 Wildwood from the UK, IS stiffer to handle than previous versions. Hope this helps! :D Ali per Wildwood Tarot <3
