Wednesday, 3 January 2018

John Matthews | Celtic & Ancestral Shamanism | March 2018 and September 2018

Here is the chance to step into the shamanic practitioner training for 2018. This two part Foundation Course in Celtic & Ancestral Shamanism is led by John Matthews and Margot Harrison, and Wil Kinghan, and is starting on10-11 March 2018 and continues on 8-9 Sept 2018.


This 28th two-part non-residential course teaches students to journey, heal, quest and arbitrate along the ancient paths of wisdom, gathering spirit allies. We ground in the ancient mysteries of our native shamanic tradition, gathering as a clan of the sacred earth, working with one of the most experienced teachers in Britain.

10-11 March, we begin with Part One, THE TREE OF TRADITION: Walking Between Worlds, concentrates on acquiring journey skills, learning the basics in a supportive and friendly environment.

8-9 September, we continue with Part Two, SACRED COMPANIONS Deepening Our Spiritual Connection with Allies, which builds upon the relationship with our spirits, and helps balance our journeying. We begin to explore the basic healing skills.

Held in North Moreton, Oxon, under the shadow of the prehistoric settlement of Wittenham Clumps, painted so often by Paul Nash. Take both weekends to qualify for Level B courses with Caitlín Matthews.

Total fee £480. (£240 for each weekend). Food is £50 per weekend extra, including a varied lunch, tea, cake and biscuits. Send a deposit of £150 payable to John Matthews to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680.)

To view our full curriculum, see…/curriculumtraining.pdf

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